+251 115 24 8106 | +251 911 41 5080 info@ethiopianapiculture.org
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Ethiopian Apiculture Development Association (EADA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to protect bees and promote sustainable beekeeping in Ethiopia.
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Ethiopia is endowed with lush natural forests, favourable environmental conditions, and diverse species of honey plants, showcase significant potential to produce organic honey and various bee-derived products.
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Ethiopia stands as a prominent honey producer within Africa and globally. The existence of safeguarded world heritage biosphere reserves, pristine forest expanses, protected parks and conserved mountainous terrains through out the regions presents an extensive potential to produce organic honey and other bee products.
This potential is further bolstered by favourable factors such as diverse array of natural honey plants, conducive climatic conditions, and multiple seasons for organic honey harvesting. Moreover. the nation’s reliance on organic beekeeping practices and natural remedies for mitigating honeybee pests and diseases sets it apart as a leader facing challenges that other countries encounter.

Ethiopia: The land of Apiculture and Origins

Smallholder beekeepers

One of the top 5 producers of beeswax in the globe

Covers about 30% of honey production in Africa

One of the top 10 producers of honey in the globe

Potential for Production over 500,000 Mt of honey

Capacity building (beekeeper, investors, experts and others)

Access to market information and linkage (national international)

Access to different trade fair, conference and other

Access to manuals, guideline, booklet

Access to association digital newsletter

Facilitating support from GOV and NGO


The association has the following three categories of members

Beekeepers and input suppliers

Processor, traders and exporters of bee product

Apiculture Professionals

The website upgrading is supported by the Global Market Access Programme country project in Ethiopia “Strengthening the quality compliance capacity of the honey value chain for greater market access”, funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia

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